Conscious Sedation
“Conscious Sedation” is a drug-induced state of reduced awareness, allowing for decreased anxiety and greater patient comfort. Dental sedation comes in various forms, each serving different levels of relaxation.
The choice of sedation depends on various factors, including the patient’s health, the complexity of the dental procedure, and the level of anxiety or fear experienced by the individual. Dr. Specht will work closely with patients to determine the most suitable sedation option for their specific needs.
Patients wishing to be unconscious or “put asleep” during dental treatment must be referred to a specialist. In Alberta, general anesthesia can only be provided in specific surgical facilities.
Nitrous Oxide
Also known as “laughing gas”, this is a mildest form of sedation, administered through a mask over the nose.
It induces a relaxed and euphoric state but allows the patient to remain aware and responsive.
It does not affect the patient’s memory of the procedure
Oral Sedation
Oral sedation involves taking medication, usually a pill, prior to the dental procedure.
Oral medications take time to work and have limits on how sedated you can safely become. The effect ranges from mild to moderate sedation, causing drowsiness but allowing the patient to stay awake.
Patients may have partial or complete amenesia of the procedure.
While effective, oral sedation does not sedate as deeply as conscious IV sedation.
Intravenous Sedation
This is the strongest type of sedation that is allowed in general dental clinics in Alberta.
Administered through a vein, IV medications sedate the patient within minutes, and allows the amount of medication to be fine-tuned to the needs of every patient.
This fine-tuning improves the safety of sedation and provides a deeper level of moderate sedation.
Patients may not remember much of the procedure and might be on the edge of consciousness but can still be awakened.
Key Benefits of Oral & IV Sedation
Anxiety Reduction
Many individuals experience fear or anxiety when it comes to dental procedures. Sedation helps alleviate these anxieties, making the dental experience more comfortable for the patient.
Pain Management
Sedation can be used in conjunction with local anesthesia to manage pain effectively. It allows the patient to remain relaxed and less aware during the dental procedure.
Memory Blockage
Some forms of sedation can induce partial or complete memory loss (amnesia) of the dental procedure. This can be beneficial for patients who wish to avoid remembering details of the treatment.
Time Efficiency
Sedation allows dentists to perform more extensive procedures in a single appointment. Patients under sedation are often more cooperative, which can lead to increased efficiency and productivity in the dental office.
Increased Cooperation
For patients who may have difficulty sitting still for an extended period or those with a strong gag reflex, sedation can enhance cooperation and make the procedure smoother for the patient.
Stress Management
As sedation relaxes patients, it reduces the patient’s blood pressure as well. Thereby sedation provides a safety advantage to those receiving dental care with heart and/or stroke concerns.
Why Choose Conscious Sedation?
It is common and perfectly normal to have some degree of apprehension or anxiety prior to receiving dental treatment. Some people, however, have stronger feelings in this regard than others. These feelings may have been produced by a less than pleasant experience, stories told by family or friends, or by the nature of the dental procedure itself.
Whatever the cause, apprehension or anxiety, can produce many unpleasant effects including heart palpitations, high blood pressure, upset stomach and trouble sleeping the night before the appointment. Many highly apprehensive patients avoid dental care for many years until their problems become so severe that they are forced to seek emergency care. Conscious Sedation can make dental and oral surgical procedures more pleasant and safer for the apprehensive patient.
How Am I Monitored During the Procedure?
Depending on the depth of the sedation being used, as well as your own medical condition, various monitors will be used during your procedure to ensure your safety. These monitors vary from automatic blood pressure cuffs to the use of pulse oximeters which, through a light sensor, measure the oxygen concentration in your blood. For patients receiving IV Sedation, we monitor the quality of your breathing and an ECG monitor is used to monitor your heart rate and rhythm. Dr. Specht, along with her trained staff, will be with you and will be observing you closely during your treatment.
Is Conscious Sedation Safe?
The use of sedation in dentistry has a commendable record of safety. This is due to the advanced training Dr. Specht has and her commitment to your overall health. It is important to advise Dr. Specht of all medications (including recreational drugs) that you take as well as any changes in your health since your last visit.
In Alberta, a special permit is required to administer conscious sedation. To qualify, Dr. Specht completed advanced training in 2008 and 2010 and has been providing conscious sedation ever since. The ability to handle emergency situations as well as having specific emergency medications and equipment is a mandatory part of the yearly permitting process.
Find Dr. Specht at a clinic near you!

Mayerthorpe Dental Clinic
4515 Crockett 50 St, Mayerthorpe, AB

Thorncliffe Dental
10038 164 St NW, Edmonton, AB

Lacombe Dental Clinic
5015-51 St, LACOMBE, AB

Bentley Family Dentistry
5022-49 Ave, BENTLEY, AB

My Dental Clinic
2515-90 Ave SW #143, CALGARY, AB

Nordstrom Family Dental
4802-49 St, STETTLER, AB

Aurora Dental Group
80 Hewlett Park Landing, SYLVAN LAKE, AB

Gasoline Alley Dental
106, 179C Leva Ave, RED DEER County, AB